>主辦 Presented by:<
香港兆基創義書院 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
>策展人 Curator:<
鄧國騫 Tang Kwok Hin
羅至傑 Lo Chi Kit、
湯映彤 Tong Ying Tung, Yenti、
李繼忠 Lee Kai Chung、
方琛宇 Fong Sum Yu, Silas、
李俊峰 Lee Chun Fung
年輕策展人鄧國騫找來五位年青藝術家,與25個創意書院學生合作。 透過工作坊進行交流及創作,他們重新檢視身邊的行為標準,追究品質控制由誰制定? 成敗、階級、資源分配:當中如何甄選、評定、考核、檢驗?
The young curator, Tang Kwok Hin invited 5 emerging artists to collaborate with 25 HKSC students. Through workshops, they exchange ideas and create works to scrutinize all kinds of standards that frame our behaviors and choices. They question who sets the rules for quality control? Success or failure, social structure, allocation of resources: how do we select, assess, examine and inspect?
# 開幕 Opening Reception 17/ 4/ 2010 (Sat), 4pm #
開幕嘉賓 Officiating Guests
陳育強 (香港中文大學藝術系 副教授)
Kurt Chan (Associate Professor, Fine Arts, CUHK)
呂振光 (香港中文大學藝術系 副教授)
Lui Chung Kwong (Associate Professor, Fine Arts, CUHK)
黃頌恩 (香港浸會大學視覺藝術院 講師)
Magdalen Wong (Lecturer, Academy of Visual Arts, HKBU)
# 與藝術家對談 Artists’ Talk 17/ 4/ 2010 (Sat), 5:30pm #
節目查詢及預約導賞 Programme enquiries and booking of guided tour:
Ms Ellen Law 2339 7370
網址 Website:
Kurt Chan (Associate Professor, Fine Arts, CUHK)
呂振光 (香港中文大學藝術系 副教授)
Lui Chung Kwong (Associate Professor, Fine Arts, CUHK)
黃頌恩 (香港浸會大學視覺藝術院 講師)
Magdalen Wong (Lecturer, Academy of Visual Arts, HKBU)
# 與藝術家對談 Artists’ Talk 17/ 4/ 2010 (Sat), 5:30pm #
節目查詢及預約導賞 Programme enquiries and booking of guided tour:
Ms Ellen Law 2339 7370
網址 Website: